Sunday, May 1, 2011

Main Stream vs. Social Media

Paul Gillin uses a great quote from social media influencer Eric Schwartzman in The New Influencers:

"'When it comes to reaching a wide audience, mainstream media may still be the way to go,' he says. 'But to reach an underserved niche audience, social media really has something to offer.'"

This quote is an example of why I have really enjoyed The New Influencers. I think Gillin incorporates basic social facts and principles that social media users are aware of, but aren't being sensitive to. While I was in Seattle for PRSSA National Assembly, we talked about social media and how we need to be sensitive to how we're appropriately using the sites. As practitioners, I think we forget that not everyone is accessing social media and traditional media still needs our undivided attention and must serve as the primary tool for disseminating messages.

I had never really looked at social media as a medium to reach public in an underserved niche, but it completely makes sense. I'm beginning to understand more and more about the usefulness of blogging. Special interest blogs are a great way to identify and communicate with publics.

I appreciate that Gillin draws attention to the importance of mainstream media. As practitioners, we still need to be prepared to develop strong press releases and news materials. Even though our lives have been simplified to 140 characters recently, we still must consider the mainstream media as our primary channel.

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