Sunday, March 20, 2011

It's PhRiday

So last week's hot topic was Jim Tressel. This week, we're going to talk about Miss. Rebecca Black. Those of you who have lived under a rock for the last week, Black is a 13-year old singer who released her first single "Friday" this week. Within a week, Black's single reached the Top 50 on iTunes. From a social media standpoint, Black is a QUEEN!

The music video for the single was released on YouTube this week! Black can credit the video streaming site for her success. On Th-Thursday (hahah punny), the video had been viewed more than 12 million times. Three days later, the video has been viewed close to 27 million times. Black and her single have been the hot topic this week, and the young singer is clogging the media circuit. Her YouTube run has proved to be extremely beneficial in exposing Black to the public.

Black has also been the victim of tough criticism via social media sites. Facebook, Twitter, Blog and YouTube users have posted harsh comments about the 13-year old and her new single. Sure, "Friday" isn't the most lyrically deep song on the airways today, and Black is definitely not the next Aretha Franklin. However, I'm going to take a different approach. I think Black is refreshing.

Too often, we are exposed to young singers who are acting 15 years older than they really are. Black isn't singing about love or whipping her hair or talking about how she can't be tamed. I don't think that our youth have the best role models. So yeah, she's not the best singer in the world, but Black isn't provocative or scandalous, and she acts her age.


  1. HAHA Yes. Personally I use the song as my new motto - "Gotta get down on Friday!"
    But on a more serious note, I completely agree with you that the young singers these days are acting much older than they should be. After looking at some of the music videos from their songs, I would never have guessed some of the girls' ages. And most of the settings and dress of these girls can't be appropriate. Like in Willow Smith's Whip My Hair, why is the teacher like crawling and rolling around on the ground in the front of the classroom?? Inappropriate.

    PS - I lovee that your posts always incorporate "PR" in the title!

  2. On a slightly different note, I think its interesting to consider why the video ever went viral at all. I see no need to personally criticize black, but I think we can all agree the song is far from musically sound. It will be interesting to see where this story goes (I'm betting Rebecca is simply getting her very short 15 minutes of fame) but I wonder why it ever got started at all, considering there is no particularly fantastic part of the video.

  3. So I feel kind of like a hypocrite. I know I talked about how down right awful everything was about that song and video.. but I have a confession to make. I have had this song in my head for days! Whether I'm in class, at practice, or alone in my room, I will randomly belt out the chorus. I know for a fact if this song came on the radio, I would turn the volume up and sing along. So maybe this Rebecca girl knows what she's doing... can something be so bad, it is good?
