Friday, April 29, 2011

Rain rain go away!

Well if the old saying is true, there should be a lot of flowers next month..

I wouldn't call Ada a metropolis for good weather, but usually but this time of the year, the village usually has it together. This hasn't really been the case for the 2011 spring season. At the beginning of the month, I went to Seattle for PRSSA National Assembly. Apparently the rain followed me back to Ada.

I can count on one hand the amount of beautiful spring days we've had this month. We haven't been able to have a cookout, because that witch mother nature would put out the fire. We haven't been able to attend any ONU softball games, because the field is under water. I tried to indulge in a nice night jog on the green monster a few nights ago. It would've worked out well if my shoes wouldn't have absorbed enough water to fill my bathtub.

This is the time of the year that we are supposed to dread leaving school for summer. I think everyone is excited for summer right now, because they're hoping that it will bring nicer weather. This is my last spring quarter, and I was completely looking forward to it. Needless to say, you've let me down Ada.

So this blog is a message to you mother nature: Get it together. You have three more weeks, and I expect nothing but your A game. No more rain. No more sleet. No more thunder and lightning. Give us sunshine. Give us a nice spring breeze. Give me a sunburn.

Looking forward to you stepping it up.


Monday, April 25, 2011

Organization Goals

While reading David Meerman Scott's The New Rules of Marketing and PR, I came across an interesting quote:

That's exactly what we marketers and PR people do. We fill our lists with balls and lose sight of the goal. But you know what's even worse. Our coaches (the management teams at our companies) actually encourage us to focus on balls (like sales leads or press clips or Web site traffic statistics) instead of real organizational goals such as revenue. The VPs and CEOs of companies happily provide incentives based on leads for the marketing department and on clips for the PR team. And the agencies we contract with - advertising and PR agencies - also focus on the wrong measures (Scott, 2007, p. 115-116).

I think this is such an important point to make. Taking a campaigns course right now, I really understand the importance of process. Before this year, I didn't really understand the difference between goals and objectives. I also didn't take into consideration that objectives need to be measurable and realistic.

From my experience, practitioners make two common mistakes while establishing a campaign. First, practitioners either confuse strategies and tactics or focus on strategies and tactics before solidifying their goals and objectives. The other common mistake is that practitioners and marketers don't take into full consideration what needs to occur for the campaign's objectives to be successful.

As public relations practitioners, it is our duty to express the importance of establishing strong internal and external relationships and how critical that is to campaign and organizational success. From Scott's readings that's the message that I resinated with me. I think today, we focus too much on results and figures and not on the relationships that need to be formed in order for those results to occur.

Sunday, April 24, 2011

YouLove. YouTube.

I think this year, I began to realize what an incredible social media site YouTube is. It used to be that Facebook consumed too much of my time. Now YouTube is giving the social networking site a run for its money. YouTube has also impacted older generations..

This year has been pretty crazy for my parents, especially over the past four months. They both have a lot on their plate both personally and professionally. Unfortunately, they weren't able to make it to watch me play this year. I love seeing my parents in the stands, but I completely understand. Lucky for them, one of my teammates father made it to most of our tournaments and films us. Mr. Woodward is very good about promptly posting highlight reels on YouTube. My dad was telling me about how much he enjoyed being able to watch the highlights and how important it was to him.

YouTube has served as my personal rewind. American Idol performances, volleyball highlights and Rebecca Black music videos are all staples on my channel. It means a lot that my parents can watch me play, even though if it's through a YouTube highlight video. I look for YouTube to play an even more prominent role in the social media world.

Saturday, April 23, 2011


Dear Blogosphere,

Meet Edgar. He's the newest edition to the Clarkson family and my new best friend! He is a poodle-boxer mix (Yeah, I know), and he is the greatest thing this side of the Mississippi. He's little camera shy and has a fascination for chewing on everything.

January was a tough month for me. A week after I returned to school from Christmas Break, my parents called me and told me that they had to put down our dog Smith. Smith and I were extremely close. Smith was 15 years-old and was an integral part of the Clarkson family and my childhood. Right before I slipped into a state of depression, my dad informed me he got my mom a puppy for Valentine's Day. Edgar and I instantly hit it off. Even though he'll never replace Smith, he's doing a great job filling the void.

My favorite thing about Smith was that he never had a bad day. He was always there to greet me with a huge smile on his face. Smith was more than a dog, he was my best friend and had an innate ability of always making me feel better. I never had to worry about him talking about me, ditching me for his new girlfriend or not texting me back. 

Susan Ariel Rainbow Kennedy said that "dogs are miracles with paws." You can't put a price on the amount of love you can receive from a dog. I'm looking forward to Edgar's stint in the Clarkson household and can't wait to get a pup of my own.

Monday, April 18, 2011

Recruiting with Coach Witte

Recruiting with Coach Witte

In this podcast, Abby Schaller and I sit down with Ohio Northern Women's Volleyball Head Coach Kate Witte to discuss the recruiting process and how it's changed throughout her two decades at Ohio Northern.


As I read Brian Solis' "Engaged," I stumbled upon a far too familiar topic. Solis touches on observations and how important it is while engaging in social media. He identifies the importance of accurately identifying the target markets' demographics and psychographics.

Demographics and psychographics have been a common theme in my academic journey this quarter. In addition to the relevance the topics have when it comes to social media, the terms have been tossed around frequently in my campaigns, marketing/GIS and consumer behavior courses. The concepts have been crucial to my studies this quarters. I touched on this a while ago, but research is so important to the practice, and as I continue in my preprofessional journey, I'm starting to realize that even more. An understanding of what influences a target market or public is essential in order to effectively communicate with them.

Solis emphasizes that "we learn, earn credibility, and procure strategic intelligence through immersion - before we have an official agenda." This couldn't be closer to the truth. When we focus on collecting information about the demographics and psychographics of our target publics, we are doing so much more than collecting research. We are strengthening the entire communication process as a whole, in turn creating stronger, more meaningful relationships with our internal and external publics.

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Ref 101

In reflection of my pre-high school volleyball career (club and high school), I must have been sincerely unpopular among the referees in Pennsylvania. I used to complain about EVERYTHING! There wasn't a call I agreed with. Frankly, I was just extremely unpleasant.

Enter ONU Men's Volleyball, and that all changes..

As part of our team fundraiser, each year we host two weekends of junior olympic volleyball tournaments. We completely manage the entire tournaments (ref, confessions, set-up, tear down). We are all Ohio River Valley certified officials. It's a great fundraiser, and we've experienced a lot of success.

With that said, being a referee has completing changed my outlook on playing the sport and officiating. Officiating is a thankless job. You can never make everyone happy. You have complete strangers yelling at you aggressively. You are expected to know and see everything. I will say that I am a completely different player because of my experience with the OVR. My patience, understanding and support for officials has drastically increased. It's a tough job, and I can appreciate that now.

I learned quickly that my officiating career with most likely come to an end after I live ONU. It's just not for me. I love watching and enjoying volleyball, and as an official you have to worry about so many other aspects of the sport. It works for some people, but not me. I will say that I WILL NOT be the parent who screams and yells about every call. We all know a few.

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Twitter Chats. Thanks PR.

In February, I had the pleasure of spending the afternoon with the ladies at Geben Communication. President Heather Whaling discussed some social media channels that I was unfamiliar with during my visist. After listening to the PR pro elaborate, I could tell that she knew a thing or two about social media.

Today, I was shuffling through Twitter and the 2011-12 National PRSSA Vice President of Public Relations Lauren Gray tweeted the link to this article. I browsed through the interesting article and then discovered that Ms. Whaling herself was the author. "The PR Pro's Guide to Twitter" focuses on the benefits of Twitter, and how we as public relations practitioners can utilize the resource effectively.

Heather touches on how the public relations industry can be held responsible for the advent of Twitter chats. As part of one of her initiatives, 2010-11 National Vice President of Chapter Development Kim Ciesla created the monthly PRSSA Twitter Chats. Members of the society have raved about how beneficial and fun the Twitter chats have been. The 2011-12 National Committee is excited about continuing these monthly chats and is open to any feedback or topic suggestions.

The aspect of Twitter that I enjoy the most is how much I continue to learn about the social media site. It seems like new tools and trends are evolving each day. I was extremely skeptical about Twitter when I first established my account. I NEVER imagined that it would have the impact on my personal and professional life that it has. Heather makes a great point at the beginning of the article when she says "140 characters can go a long way." She could not be more right. Professionals have been fully utilizing those 140 characters over the past three years, making Twitter one of the best channels for organizations to reach their publics.

Monday, April 11, 2011

Small is Beautiful

Yet again, Gillin hits the nail on the head. The social media expert has an innate gift of articulating social media in a way for readers to understand. In chapter six, Gillin touches on how "small is beautiful."One particular section of the chapter that caught my eye was when Gillin notes that it's all about the search. Gillin touches on the importance of Google and blogs to aid in the researching process.

New Influencers was written in 2007, and in three short years more dimensions have been added to the researching aspect of the practice. Sites like StumbleUpon, and Diigo has entered the social media scene. Social media users now have access to more resources outside of Google and blogs.

I think a common misperception of social media is that people confuse social media with social networking. Social networking is an important aspect of social media, but there is more meaning to social media than just networking. People are using social media sites for practical purposes. Social media sites that focus on research provide public relations practitioners with invaluable tools that make our job easier.

Social media is evolving quickly, and I'm sure Gillin would have more content to add to his "small is beautiful" chapter of the book. It's hard to gauge where social media will be tomorrow, let alone two or three years down the road.

Sunday, April 10, 2011

The Important Three

My good friend and 2011-12 PRSSA National Vice President of Public Relations, Lauren Gray, tweeted about this article the other day. Geoff Livingston does a great job of pointing out crucial social media sites for public relations practitioners, while forcing me to think about my personal usage of social media.

1.     YouTube – In the article, Livingston notes that 1.2 billion videos are watched by 89 million viewers. These numbers are simply astonishing. Since the video streaming site’s debut in 2006, YouTube continues to draw more traffic. In social media class, we’ve talked about the power of viral videos through the YouTube channel. We’ve also talked about how YouTube is one of the greatest tools for practitioners. Organizations like Connect Ohio use this channel to draw customers. Several campaigns are being launched through this strong channel, and I think that we’re going to see an increase in the usage of YouTube in the future.

2.     LinkedIn- This social media site is a goldmine for public relations practitioners. With more than 100 million users, LinkedIn is a networking hub for practitioners and provides us with a more professional avenue to network and develop. LinkenIn continues to expand on the capabilities that it provides users and is becoming known as one of the more dominant social media sites along with Facebook and Twitter. I have to admit my LinkedIn account needs some work. I think LinkedIn requires more attention to detail. I’ve put “update LinkedIn account” on my to-do list for months now, but haven’t got to it. Livingston makes it clear through his article that I need to hop on the LinkedIn train, especially with my rondez-vu with the job market in a year.

3.     StumbleUpon – I had NEVER heard about this site until I read this article, but for public relations practitioners, this site is a hidden gem. StumbleUpon is a social media site designed for bookmarking and referrals. Even though the site only has 15 million users, professionals are saying that this site is on its way to being a social media powerhouse. The first and arguably the most important step of the RACE model is the research phase. StumbleUpon provides users with a channel to make this step of the practice easier, while also adding the networking dimension. Despite the fairly recent arrival of the site, I think StumbleUpon has the potential to become a universally used site within the field.

Livingston’s article is interesting, because it draws attention to the reality that social media is taking over cyberspace. With sites like Four Square, Yelp and UStream becoming more prominent, social media is making its mark. Avoiding social media is only going to become harder.

All Things (seasons) Come to an End!!

This weekend marked the end of my junior year volleyball season (i.e. final blog about volleyball for the year). Let me set the scene for you:

We won all three of our matches on Thursday, defeating Bryant, Kutztown University and University of Wisconsin – Riverfalls. On Friday, we were placed in power pool with Duke and Mankatu (wherever that is?!) to determine which two teams would advance to the gold bracket, and which team would move to the silver bracket.

After falling to Duke in straight sets during the beginning of the day, the team rebounded to defeat Mankatu in straight sets. With a three-way tie for first place, the two teams with the lowest amount of points scored on the day would square off in a one set dual to 25 points. The winner advances to gold, and the loser competes in the silver bracket.

In an absolute blood bath, we fell to Mankatu 25-27; not really the way we envisioned the tournament playing out.

Joining us in silver bracket play on Saturday was the tournaments third, sixth and ninth seed. Competition would still be fierce. Throughout a long day of tough competition, we played in the silver bracket championship against Missouri State. After dropping the first set pretty convincingly, we came from behind to claim the silver bracket championship.

Yesterday was probably the proudest day of the collegiate volleyball career. It would’ve been easy for us to call it a show after our dreams of a national championship came to an end. However, each member of the team fought hard and displayed a commendable amount of energy and passion toward the sport and the program.

As a prospective student who wanted to play volleyball, I was attracted ONU men’s volleyball program because of the commitment to excellence and pride that the coaches and players embodied. I experienced that tradition of excellence in the purest form yesterday, and that is something that I will never forget.

Being a college athlete can be extremely difficult at times. There is so much mental and physical commitment that is required. With demanding academic expectations and additional involvements, it’s easy to become exhausted and frustrated. However, it’s days like yesterday that reminds me why I chose to play volleyball in college and how important the sport has been in my life.

It was a great way to end the season, and I’m so proud of my teammates. With that said, I’m looking forward to having a bit of a break.

Monday, April 4, 2011


While reading Groundwell, I came across the authors' ten suggestions for starting the dialogue. One of which is extremely relevant to me right now.

2. Determine a goal for the blog.

This is an aspect of my blogging journey that I am struggling with right now. As social media students, we have a designated agenda for our blogs this quarter. As a public relations practitioner, I feel obligated to continue maintaining my blog. However, Groundswell touches on a pointless blog defeats the purpose of blogging. 

I need the blogoshere's help with this. What do you think I should designate as my blog's goal and direction? Who do I want to attract and what do I want to blog about? 

My initial thoughts are to blog about PRSSA, but I think they're elements of my life outside of PRSSA that are interesting and would distinguish me from other bloggers. I need your help bloggers. 

I think that Groundswell makes such a strong point when he talks about have a purpose and direction for  your blog. I trust his expertise and feelings about this.

So bloggers, help me out! Lay it on me! What do you want to read about? What can I provide you that would be beneficial?

Sunday, April 3, 2011


This weekend, I attended the 2011 PRSSA National Assembly with Catherine Clampitt in Seattle, a leadership conference highlighted by the election of next year's national committee. I joined PRSSA my freshman year and became a dues paying member last year. I NEVER imagined that this preprofessional society would have the impact on me it has. 

We heard from several professional speakers and ONU graduates, who discussed the incredible impact that PRSSA has had on their lives. As a freshman, I admired them, but always saw my passion for volleyball being the focus of my college career. Sitting here today, I cannot emphasize enough how unbelievably proud and honored I am to be a leader and member of PRSSA.

PRSSA is the largest preprofessional society in the world with more than 10,000 members. The society provides public relations' students with the opportunity to develop and grow as professionals through invaluable networking experiences. I have met some of the most incredible professionals and people, who have served as wonderful role models. 

Members receive unconditional support from the PRSSA mentors and PRSA members. Their dedication to the practice is admirable, and their passion for public relations is contagious. This weekend, I spoke with several professionals who confirmed the value of our practice and the reason why I have dedicated so much energy toward PRSSA.

I have the PRSSA bug, and I am proud to say so. My experience thus far has been nothing short of amazing. For those students who are not involved with PRSSA and are passionate about the practice, I HIGHLY encourage you to join PRSSA! You have nothing to lose and absolutely EVERYTHING to gain. Joining PRSSA was the best decision I have made in college, and I could not be more grateful to all of the mentors who have supported me along the way.

Saturday, April 2, 2011


In our Introduction to Public Relations courses, Dr. Iseman and Dr. Agozzino frequently discuss the importance of the RESEARCH function within the RACE model. So many times, we have heard as students that we will not be able to practice public relations effectively or be competitive within the market unless we develop into strong public relations researchers.

Today, I learned first hand the importance of strong research and great PReparation as a public relations practitioner.

I'm currently in Seattle for the 2011 PRSSA National Assembly. For those who don't know, National Assembly is a leadership conference for PRSSA members, highlighted by the election of next year's national committee. I was a candidate for the PRSSA Vice President of Internships/Job Services. Each candidate delivered a five minute speech, followed by a 15 minute Q&A when voting delegates have the opportunity to ask questions.

Over the past four months, I have done some serious research to prepare for today's election. I have talked to several current committee members, several past committee members and ONU alum who have assembly experience. In addition to talking to several helpful resources, I thoroughly navigated through the Internship Center. I listened to the advice of my mentors who said you have to be PRepared and perform all of the appropriate research. Man was I happy that I did.

I ran against an exceptional candidate, who is a great representative of the society. Had I not done the research I had, she would have wiped me up. The delegates asked thought provoking questions that challenged candidates running for all positions.

Today, I've never understood more about the importance of research and PReparation. Especially within the field, your fellow practitioners expect you to go above and beyond in terms of research.

The delegates elected me to serve as 2011-12 Vice President of Internships/Job Services. I am so incredibly excited and appreciative. Being part of the national committee was extremely important to me, and I know it wouldn't have happened if I wasn't as PRepared as I was.

Today has inspired me to speak to the Introduction to Public Relations course and preach to young public relations' students about the importance of research. I didn't have the appreciation when I was younger, and hopefully I can reach out and connect with them about the vitality of PReparation within the PR practice!